Vukaboda.Com -Smart Shopping Online For Electronics, Apparel, Computers,Smartphone,Clothing,Laptops, Android Phones, Desktops, Iphones, Accessories, Macbooks, Wearable Tech, Projectors, Laserjet Printers, Officejets, Smart Watches, Headsets, Cameras,Building Materials,Automobile Equipments, and so much more based on the demands
Ecommerce retail company Founded by Festo Shizya that enable, Connect and Provide a suitable online Environment for a Supplier and customer to do business (B2C,C2C)-Business to Customer and Customer to Customer. This includes Making easy way for a supplier to market, Sell and improved way of operating with their brands to reach the targeted customers.
At Vukaboda a supplier means a lot, therefore if a supplier can not do anything online or has limited tools for online business therefore Vukaboda can do all the things on behalf, relevant charges may be applied based on the agreements.
This will work for only the supplier who want their shop names or company to be shown on as a seller (Shop owner). And the supplier duties will be only to provide current stock of the Goods and Price notification by communicating with staff representative.
A world platform in which customer can find and buy anything they might be looking online.
- To provide a suitable and better environment for everyone to do business online.
- To market and promote brands that accelerate high customer purchasing power.
- To Create and market Products & services.
A company on earth for every customer to trust on the products and services.
Building The Platform (2016 – 2018)
We passed through different platforms which we developed using Several programming languages up to when we achieved what we using now see it. We are still working hard everyday to develop it so that it become more friendly to everyone who is using or shopping through it.
- The platform can be accessed through all browsers (google Chrome, Fire Fox, Torch browser, Internet Explorer, Opera min, Safari Browser for Mac OS and so More) Just Hit Vukaboda or To get Access
- We also Have Android App Which is available for all smartphone with android OS starting from version 3.1 and Above.
Just Search Vukaboda in Google Play Store.
- We are working Hard to develop iOS App so that customer with iPhones (App Store) Can Have access and shop on their mobile.